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Whistleblowing Line


When you report a concern, you help make Global a better company.

We hope you never run into any challenging situations during your time with us, but if you do see or hear things at Global that concern malpractice, wrongdoing, dangers or illegality in the work place, please report it via the whistleblowing line. Where possible, we recommend that you also reach out to your manager and people partner or the legal team (if it is a compliance/legal issue). We will treat your concern seriously, confidentially and with the respect it deserves.

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Report a Concern Online

This system makes it easy to confidentially report concerns about compliance or gross misconduct issues in the workplace, such as harassment, theft, fraud, bribery, discrimination or violence.

Call Our Whistleblowing Line

If you would prefer to speak to someone confidentially, call the line and one of the representatives from Convercent (Global’s trusted partner) would be happy to assist you. Please note that your first point of contact won’t be with a Global team member


Please check the status of your report here using the access number and password you created when you submitted the report.

What to Expect in the Reporting Process

    If you witness or experience compliance or serious misconduct issues in the workplace, please reach out using this whistleblowing line. Types of issues could include:

    • theft
    • fraud
    • bribery
    • facilitation of tax evasion
    • discrimination
    • harassment
    • modern slavery in the workplace or supply chain
    • violence or other danger to the H&S of an individual 
    • any other criminal offences or breaches of the law 
    • damage to the environment 

    If you wish to discuss or report other issues or concerns, such as your terms and conditions of employment, the behaviour of a colleague or manager, working conditions or other workplace issues, we encourage you to use Global's other support channels - speak to your line manager, talk to a trusted person or contact your people partnering team. If it relates to a legal issue, talk to the legal team. When in doubt, talk it out - no matter how big or small the issue, Global is here to help.  

    • Your concern is taken seriously.
    • You are treated with dignity and respect.

    • You are not required to identify yourself.

    • Your communication is confidential.

    • Your incident report will be received by Convercent and sent to the individuals deemed appropriate at Global.

    • Global handles all incident reports according to its internal investigatory procedures.

    • Your concern is addressed and you are kept informed during the investigation.

    • You are contacted when the investigation is complete and informed as to whether the findings are substantiated or unsubstantiated.

    • You will not be retaliated against for good faith reporting.

    Convercent are a third party organisation that Global have partnered with to enable Globallers to share concerns or incidents, while easily maintaining anonymity, fostering an atmosphere where every voice is heard.

    Your incident report is NOT automatically sent to law enforcement. Only if Global feels law enforcement should receive a copy, or if the law requires it, will your incident report be submitted to the police.

    In all instances, every effort will be made to ensure that information relating to a reported incident is kept confidential and communicated on a need-to-know basis only. Below are the different levels of anonymity you may select:

    • Remain completely anonymous: You will not reveal your name or contact information. Your identity is completely protected on the incident report.

    • Remain anonymous toward your organization (Global): You are comfortable revealing your name and contact information to Convercent (the third party provider of this whistleblowing line), but not to Global. Convercent may contact you confidentially to gather additional information about the report yet will not reveal your identity at any time to Global.

    • Share my name and information: You do not mind about anonymity. You choose to reveal your name and identity to both Global and to Convercent.

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